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So Many Tamales!

It all started with a desire and a dream. The desire was to bring an improv class to the after-school program at Lynden High School. The dream was to have a Be The One tamale fundraiser and sell 70 dozen tamales. Little did this mentor and her mentee know, that we, along with Rooted Generosity volunteers, teachers, students, and community volunteers, would end up selling and making over 174 dozen tamales!!! On Tuesday, January 30th, we all gathered for a "Tamalada," (a party to make a mountain of tamales). The end result was we made enough money to pay for two 8 week sessions of improv classes with Sheila Goldsmith, of Improv Playworks.

We shared our talents, hearts, and laughter, to create priceless and life changing memories. Building community with kindness is both healing and soothing for the soul. We continue Jordan's legacy of giving generously. Life is beautiful. We are blessed to deepened and create new friendships everyday. Thank you to all who supported our fundraiser. See more about our tamalada in the LSD newsletter link:

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